To determine the results, survey participants were asked to rate the experience of their new work location according to eight career-focused questions. Their responses were then converted into an overall country rating and compared to last year’s study. External factors, such as the economic and political climate, were not directly taken into account but may have influenced respondents’ ratings.
John Goddard, head of HSBC Expat, the offshore banking arm of HSBC Group, said the ranking could provide inspiration for those looking to boost their careers with a move overseas.
“The new year can often be a catalyst for considering where you are and where you want to be, particularly when it comes to your career,” he said. “There’s no ‘one size fits all’ but if you’re looking for career inspiration, it may be worth going beyond the borders of your home country to find the place where you can thrive at work.”
Here’s a look at the top five countries for expats in 2019:
from Just News Viral