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Rent, mortgage payments hard to meet for workers entangled in the government shutdown

Some landlords are showing leniency to tenants hurt by the shutdown.

Denise rents a house to a single mother in the town over from where she lives in East Fallowfield, Pennsylvania. She asked to use her first name only to protect the identity of her one tenant, who is a contractor for the Department of Veteran Affairs.

When the government shutdown, her tenant explained that making January’s $1,300 rent will be a challenge. “She’s going to give what she can,” Denise said.

Without that full rental income, Denise is trying to reduce her own expenses. “I keep my heat much lower,” she said. “I started showering every other day.”

Still, she doesn’t blame her tenant and has told her not to worry.

“Why should hardworking Americans be punished for President Donald Trump’s temper tantrum?” she said.

On Friday, President Trump suggested that the unpaid workers would thank him for holding out for a border wall.

“People that won’t get next week’s pay, or the following week’s pay, I think if you ever really looked at those people,” he told reporters in the White House Rose Garden, “I think they’d say, ‘Mr. President, keep going, this is far more important.'”

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