More than half of people turning to social media log onto Facebook to give feedback on corporate pages, including complaints, giving praise, reporting a problem, or offering a suggestion. But across platforms included in the study —Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter — people who gave feedback on Facebook faced the longest response wait times and the lowest response rates. Of respondents using that site, 72 percent expected a response within 24 hours, and 68 percent got it. For people and companies using Facebook to give and act on feedback, the study showed that feedback was twice as likely to go unanswered on the platform.
By contrast, the other three platforms all exceeded respondents’ expectations for how quickly they wanted responses.
For example, on Instagram (which is owned by Facebook), 60 percent of users wanted a response from brands within 24 hours, and 78 percent of people reported that organizations got back with them within that window. Across all the social media platforms in the study, organizations responded the most quickly on Instagram — organizations are 25 percent more likely to respond within minutes than on the next-quickest platform, Twitter.
On Twitter, 64 percent of users expected a response within 24 hours and 73 percent said brands got back to them in that time. And among users giving feedback through LinkedIn (which is owned by Microsoft), 57 percent said they expected a response within 24 hours, and 89 percent got it. It is important to note, however, that volume may play a large role in response times as companies got only one-tenth the amount of feedback on LinkedIn that they got on Facebook.
from Just News Viral