“One point of concern of late has been potential tightening of credit to small businesses. I think that is somewhat worrisome – that the banks might be treating small businesses more like a consumer,” he said.
It’s not hard to understand why the country’s top econocrats fear that a credit crunch for small businesses could dent economic activity and weigh on consumer spending. After all, small businesses employ roughly 44 per cent of people working in the private sector (excluding the financial sector).
And an RBA report, released last September, found that many small businesses are finding it increasingly challenging to obtain finance, that banks are reluctant to lend unless small business owners can provide real estate as security, and that the loan approval process is long and arduous.
But can much of this credit squeeze can be attributed to the Hayne royal commission?
After all, back in November 2017 – weeks before the then Turnbull government ordered a royal commission – the RBA’s deputy governor, Guy Debelle, criticised the major banks for failing to provide credit to even high-quality small businesses.
“It’s not the absence of entrepreneurial spirit, it’s the absence of entrepreneurial finance that’s been the main factor holding that part of the economy back,” he said.
And Commissioner Hayne’s interim report showed he was well aware of the risk that giving small businesses the same legal protections that consumers enjoy could make banks even more reluctant to lend to them, and could push small business borrowing costs even higher.
No ‘great appetite’
The National Consumer Credit Protection Act (NCCP) imposes responsible lending obligations on bankers when they lend to consumers. On top of making reasonable inquiries about the customer’s financial situation, and taking reasonable steps to verify information, bankers must also make an assessment that the credit contract is “not unsuitable” for the customer. For instance, the customer may not be able to repay the loan, or may incur substantial hardship in doing so.
As Commissioner Hayne notes, the policy decision not to impose the same legal obligations on small business loans reflects a “recognition of the need to ensure small businesses have access to reasonably affordable and available credit”.
What’s more, he went to great pains to hose down any speculation that he might support changing the status quo in his interim report.
“The evidence and submissions provided to the commission did not reveal any great appetite to change the legal framework. In particular, I did not understand there to be substantial support for changing the legal framework in ways that would bring some, or all SMEs, within the application of the NCCP Act”, he wrote.
But that hasn’t allayed bankers’ fears. They’re worried that Commissioner Hayne will be tempted to lift the bar they have to meet in order to demonstrate that they’ve exercised the care and skill of a diligent and prudent banker in lending to small businesses.
This requirement is enshrined in the Code of Banking Practice – a voluntary code formulated by the bankers’ lobby group, the Australian Banking Association. Courts have held that the code forms part of the loan contract between the bank and its customers.
As Commissioner Hayne points out, there is huge uncertainty about what inquiries a diligent and prudent banker needs to make before making a small business loan, and forming an opinion about the customer’s ability to repay the loan.
Does the bank need to critically analyse the cash flow forecasts and the business plans that the small business submits? Or does it merely require the bank to satisfy itself that the borrower can repay the loan, and that there’s no glaring flaw in the business plan?
The problem was illustrated back in May, when the commission heard evidence that a couple had applied to borrow $220,000 from the ANZ in order to establish a gelato kiosk with an “intimate, romantic and sophisticated atmosphere” in the busy walkway of a Westfield shopping centre in Western Sydney.
As senior counsel assisting Michael Hodge, QC, pointed out, the business plan the couple submitted in support of the loan application was “slightly comical”, because it was festooned with clip-art. “It looks more like a marketing pitch than a business plan”, he said.
Hodge’s criticism has left bankers scared stiff that Commissioner Hayne might change the rules and require them to conduct detailed feasibility studies before they approve a small business loan.
Cost concerns
According to bankers, this would upend the economics of small business lending. Bankers argue they simply don’t earn a big enough margin on small business loans to cover the cost of doing in-depth analysis of each proposal that comes before them.
And that if they were required to apply the same rigorous standards in assessing small business loans that they apply to large corporate borrowers, the cost of borrowing for small businesses would be prohibitive.
Another rumour circulating in the banking community is that Commissioner Hayne might seek to give extra protection to small business borrowers by putting extra restrictions on the ability of banks to call in their loans, or to exercise the security they hold for the loans.
But it’s extremely unlikely that the bankers’ worst nightmares will come to pass. Commissioner Hayne has demonstrated he’s prepared to adopt a pragmatic,commercial approach, and is aware it would be extremely counter-productive to force banks to adhere to unrealistically high standards if that caused them to pull back from lending to small businesses altogether. He’s also aware of the political artillery being amassed to prevent any reduction in small business lending.
He notes, for example, that just because a borrower defaults doesn’t mean that the banker has obviously failed to act as a diligent and prudent banker.
“When a loan is provided to allow the borrower to start a new enterprise, there will always be a risk that the business does not prosper and that the borrower may default”, he says.
What’s more, one of the biggest grievances of small businesses – that even when they’re keeping up with the interest payments on their loans, banks rely on non-monetary defaults (such as breaches in the loan to value ratios) to terminate loan agreements – will be addressed by the latest iteration of the Code of Banking Practice. The new Code will limit the extent to which bankers can rely on non-monetary defaults to call in loans.
And he doesn’t seem very interested in changing the law to make it more difficult for bankers to call in loans for struggling borrowers, or would compel bankers to automatically extend loans when they mature.
Still, bankers are unlikely to be entirely pleased by Commissioner Hayne’s recommendations. It’s likely he’ll pressure lenders to be much more open and transparent in communicating with small businesses when they decide not to extend loans that are maturing, and to ensure that small businesses are given much more time to try to organise alternative finance.
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