TWU attacks super boards
Transport Workers Union national secretary Michael Kaine, an alternate trustee of TWUSuper, said super funds must regularly review the employment issues of companies they invest in.
Mr Kaine attacked super fund boards for paying “lip service” to environmental, social and government investment principles and backed a harder approach against employers with poor labour practices.
“This should not be a ‘tick and flick’ task by fund managers, which make it look like standards are being followed when in fact they are being ignored,” Mr Kaine said.
“All super funds should urgently refocus their efforts to ensure that investments are being made on a socially responsible basis, especially as regards labour standards, and if they are not adjustments must be made.”
The union leader’s comments echo Australian Council of Trade Unions president Michele O’Neil, who last week urged industry funds to push for better wages and conditions to ensure their investments are sustainable.
The ACTU has also called on 30 industry funds to use their leverage as shareholders to force BHP to guarantee the jobs of up to 80 sacked seafarers.
‘Unions are acting like big brother’
Mr Frydenberg said the nation’s $2.7 trillion of superannuation assets must be managed for the purpose of providing retirement benefits to members.
“In disregard for the law, militant unions are acting like big brother, brazenly pushing their industrial relations agenda to pressure superannuation funds to use their influence over company management and boards,” Mr Frydenberg said on Monday night.
“If the Labor Party really cared about the retirement savings of Australians, Bill Shorten would condemn this aggressive union behaviour that is attempting to use superannuation as an industrial relations weapon to the detriment of members’ retirement savings.”
To enhance intervention against “inappropriate trustee conduct” and bolster civil penalties against misbehaviour, Mr Byres urged the government to swiftly pass legislation to expand APRA’s “directions power” over funds.
The legislation passed the Senate with tougher Labor amendments in February but the government did not table it in the House of Representatives and now plans to do so in April.
Industry funds are jointly controlled by unions and employers. Their boards are typically made up of directors appointed by each, sometimes with an independent chair.
Chairman of industry fund Equip Super, Andrew Fairley, argued that if trustees carried out union demands they would breach the “sole purpose test”, which required trustees to act in the best interest of members’ retirement.
“I don’t think [the test] involves exercising powers of ownership over specific assets of the fund in a manner that is going to potentially benefit members before their retirement. It’s all about ensuring you benefit members after their retirement.”
Mr Fairley warned the unions’ proposals would likely harm the returns on investments and so would require the sole purpose test to exclude members’ financial interests.
“If you’re talking about listed entities and the fact the ASX is very largely owned by super funds, the requirement people may have that wages, salaries and employer costs are increased perversely would mean the profits of those organisations would be less.”
Ms O’Neil, an alternate director of AustralianSuper, said last week that industry funds should reconsider investments in employers who exploit workers or use casual, contract and labour hire because that was not sustainable in the long-term.
Mr Kaine defended Ms O’Neil from criticism that APRA should review her status as an alternate director of AustralianSuper because of her comments.
“People raising legitimate concerns when super funds make investment choices in companies with poor labour practices cannot be vilified in this way,” he said.
“We saw similar issues 10 years ago when questions were raised about investments in companies with poor environmental standards.”
He said “the culture must change” and called all super funds to perform “regular and detailed assessments” of their investment portfolios “based on the employment practices of companies receiving funds and the attitudes and processes of fund managers directing where the funds are invested”.
He said the the TWU’s industrial campaign against aviation ground-services company Aerocare (now Swissport) over claims of casualisation, poor wages and conditions had led to some industry funds reviewing their policies on investing in companies with poor labour practices.
Last year, First Super said it would only make private equity investments in companies with good employment practices following a review of its portfolio.
“An approach based solely on ‘pricing in risk’ should not be accepted in a system which was set up by workers and employers to provide dignity in retirement,” Mr Kaine said.
“Worker exploitation is not a relative concept. Exploitation should not be priced in when it comes to investments. If companies are involved in exploitation they either fix their practices or they should be given the chop.”
‘Grey area’
Former chairman of FirstState Super Tom Parry said bringing industrial relations into investment decisions was a “grey area” but compared it to other environmental, social and governance considerations.
First State Super was one of the first funds to divest from tobacco companies but Mr Parry said the fund only did so after assessing the impact on members’ retirement for six months.
“It’s a really, difficult complex area,” he said. “After rigorous analysis, we concluded it would make no difference to returns at all.”
While he said there was “enough evidence” to suggest companies with poor ESG outcomes did not do well in the long run, he warned trustees should not act “because you’re pursuing some ‘moral’ or political campaign”.
“You can see the argument not to hold or not hold those shares but the argument to try and influence companies to change their practices… you need to satisfy yourself you’re doing a good thorough analysis that it’s in the interest of members.”
Mr Fairley said he wouldn’t allow union board representatives to push employment considerations for investments, particularly if the relevant company was covered by the union.
“Good boards wouldn’t allow a conversation like that to occur – because everyone leaves their hat outside the door,” he said.
“If there’s a political overlay to it that’s not a fiduciary duty of ours and that’s not why we’re here.”
from Just News Viral