It’s the crack of an egg that was heard around the world.
Australian 17-year-old Will Connolly, known as “egg boy” for cracking an egg over the head of an Islamophobic senator, has finally spoken — and he wasn’t apologetic.
Speaking to TV program The Project on Monday night, Connolly said he did it because he was “flat out disgusted” with Australian senator Fraser Anning’s comments.
“After that tragedy in Christchurch, I thought the world should be supporting all those victims,” Connolly said. “And the senator released a statement which was pretty much a divisive hate speech.”
Ever since he cracked the egg that divided the nation, Melbourne teenager Will Connolly, better known as #EggBoy, has been both vilified and dubbed the “hero of the Earth”.
Will approached us to set the record straight. #TheProjectTV
— The Project (@theprojecttv) March 25, 2019
Connolly also revealed that he had turned up to the event at which Anning was appearing, a political meeting in Melbourne, to listen to him speak, and see if his mind would be changed.
He didn’t expect Anning to lash out, and thought he’d be able to walk out after the incident. Regardless, Connolly didn’t apologise for what he had done.
“I understand what I did was not the right thing to do, however this egg has united people, and money has been raised — tens of thousands of dollars has been raised for those victims,” he said.
Connolly confirmed the money donated to him through a GoFundMe crowdfunding campaign would go to victims of the Christchurch terrorist attack, and that he hadn’t really thought about what do with the offers of lifetime free concert and festival tickets just yet.
Oh, and he does like eggs (boiled ones, that is), but for the time being, Connolly won’t be touching them.
from Just News Viral